Wednesday, July 22, 2009

25 Progressive IT Management Strategies: The IT manager’s 360-degree view of business

New the leader of the businesses of CIO and expert as regards management of change

The department head of the information of today (CIO) not only must be quite informed about technology, but frequently, the CIO is invited to align the strategic objectives of the top management in addition to controlling technology continues and day in day of exits it of technology which provides the visibility in the decision-making process. According to the investigation of IBM increasing the horizon of innovation: The general study 2006 of President, of 765 total senior officers (Presidents), the majority find that there is a space in the integration of their businesses and their technology, which obstructs the satisfaction of the customer as well as speed and flexibility by controlling the businesses. An outline financed by the group of Gartner, reduction of the costs in HIM, declares that 2008 represent one year important in the transformation of HIM is role. The executive hopes for HIM will accelerate towards a greater support of the solutions which attract, engage, and maintain customers. In spite of good progress in the sector of the conditions of alignment of businesses with HIM the qualifications, space always did not narrow appreciably, because a shift of generations occurred: THAT of the employees in their second half 30s only ever functioned in HIM, and they could on the occasion to raise sectors of inother in the organization. Many boomers of baby, on the one hand, was cut off in an organization during a certain number of years, and probably in a certain number of positions in several equipment of company.

IT directing: The best seat in the Room

Because of the rate/rhythm of the fast change in the technology and in terms of new globalisation of payments and conditions of market of businesses, Law of the USA Sarbanes-Oxley [SOX], etc), IT department had to be configured to provide to the company the tools to capture the tendencies of emergence related on the product and the evaluations of course of the currencies. Moreover, one expected that these professionals can deploy the systems which are also nimble in the sector of the statute of advance of order. The capacity to use the analytical tools to develop strategies in a landscape always changing of businesses requires that IT led either less functional role and more than one specialist within the company.

IT tools which carry out the execution of organization
The role IT of department being given as agents for the change in an organization, perhaps that of the tools which are most essential so that the organizations remain competing is business intelligence (BI). The business intelligence of limit refers to technologies, requests, and practices of collection, integration, analysis, and presentation of BI, and sometimes with information itself as well. The goal of BI is to support a better decision making of businesses.
While the companies started to automate their processes and more data became available, the challenge became how to distribute these data to the correct channels for decision making. Before BI, much lock economic decisions were made intuitively. BI often uses indicators of principal execution (KPIs) to evaluate the actual position of the businesses and to suggest a policy. To make the analytics this, uses of BI (a combination of the exploitation of statistical analysis and data) to examine the tendencies or the subjects which fall apart from parameters preset for the user and evaluated.
To promote your knowledge of the suppliers of BI and key of the BI solutions, I propose visit to you. Choose the display of supplier to examine the complete listing of suppliers and to obtain white papers and the reports/ratios of comparison.

Being IT intuitive
The intuitive term IT was invented in the mid-90s by a researcher in Institut of Technology of Massachusettes (MIT) to describe how the organizations can invest it in detail basic sectors of knowledge, and receives a return on this investment in measurable results in this category (see producing returns of best quality on yours IT of the investments):

Characteristics of HIM intuitive companies

. IT for the communication-high use of the electronic channels, such as the email, Intranets, and wireless devices, for internal and external communications and practices as regards work.

. Important level of transactions-a of Digitals of numerotisation of the reiterated transactions of a company,
in particular sales, interaction of customer, and purchase.

. Internet to employ-more use of architectures of Internet for the principal processes, such as the management of personnel of sale, the measurement of execution of the employees, the formation, and the support with the customers of post-sales.

. Firm-broad IT competence-high possibilities of all the employees to employ them indeed. There are strong technical qualifications and businesses among HER personal, extremely HIM of the qualifications among the personnel of businesses, and with proportioned provisioning of the market of strongly - skilful IT personal.

. Engagement of top management of management of company and support participation-forts of HIM initiatives. There is also strong participation of unit of company in IT of the decisions, having for result an association between IT personal and businessunits to produce value of IT investments.

IT of the professionals will require intuitive businesses

Because of the external factors such as the economic recession, the globalisation, and the reserved boomers of baby, older IT specialistswill is replaced by individuals having a shown knowledge such principal branches of industry like finances, management of chain of provisioning, and so on.
According to a Web site whose seat is in Great Britain for HIM the contractors, (CUK), a outsourcer of the USA indicated to CUK that the call for business-intuitive IT of the professionals was strongest among the international equipment seeking of the programmers of software or third suppliers worthy of confidence. In my experiment, companies maintain the permanent contractors and workmen who are intuitive businesses and know the software connects themselves to their business, said President de Parasoft, Dr. Adam Kolawa.
All IT them professional which wish to upwards bone on their arrangement of HIM the economic technology and applications should visit the TECHNICAL Web site,

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