What's the hottest type of software in the small to medium business (SMB) market? A recent Gartner survey of a thousand chief information officers (CIOs) of mid-sized firms showed that the number one software solution they planned to purchase in the coming year was business intelligence (BI).
So what can BI do for your company?
BI can help you compete more effectively with your bigger competitors by enabling you to make better and faster decisions. It can extend and strengthen the functionality of your existing enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. It can help put the past into useful perspective while allowing you to effectively plan for the future. It can help make sense of all the disparate data that flows through your organization, so that your senior executives have the right information at the right time to grow the business and increase the bottom line.
To find out more about BI for SMBs, download TEC's latest podcast, How Can Business Intelligence Benefit Small to Medium Businesses? Senior TEC analyst Lyndsay Wise, in conversation with Todd Rowe, vice president and general manager of leading BI vendor Business Objects, discusses the nature of BI, why it's become so hot in the SMB market, the pain points that BI addresses, and the right time to opt for a BI solution.
Click here to download How Can Business Intelligence Benefit Small to Medium Businesses? now.
This podcast examines the following questions:
What exactly is BI, and how can it benefit SMBs?
What are the major pain points that BI addresses and resolves?
What has changed in the marketplace to make BI such a hot product for SMBs?
When is the best time for an SMB to take advantage of a BI solution?
Podcast Transcript
Hi, and welcome to TEC Radio. My name is Lyndsay Wise. With me today is Todd Rowe. Todd Rowe is the vice president and general manager for the worldwide mid-market division at Business Objects. With Todd, we will be discussing what business intelligence [BI] is, and how and why it can benefit small and mid-sized companies.
Lyndsay Wise: Hi Todd, welcome to the show.
Todd Rowe: Thank you.
LW: What is business intelligence, and how can it benefit small and mid-sized companies specifically?
TR: Good question. So, what is business intelligence overall? It's taking the various disparate pieces of data that small and mid-sized companies produce, and trying to provide some type of insight or ability to determine what is the most important data to make intelligent decisions on. What business intelligence does is, it'll interact with different business applications, and by virtue of different tools like reports or dashboards or scorecards, be able to help guide an executive through all the morass of different data to the data that's most important, so that he or she can make more intelligent, more effective decisions on a daily basis that help build and run their businesses.
Small or mid-sized companies pride themselves on being much more agile, much quicker to make decisions than their big company counterparts. So, not only more effective decisions, but time to decisions is important in terms of differentiating small companies to work more quickly and [to be] more agile against their large enterprise counterparts.
What we find, according to Gartner, is that in this recent survey of one thousand [chief information officers] CIOs from mid-sized companies, that the top technology segment that they planned on purchasing in the coming year was business intelligence. That was the same from the previous year as well. So business intelligence is becoming a hot technology for small and mid-sized companies, precisely because it gives them an ability to differentiate themselves from their competition given the greater insight into the data, and making more effective decisions.
LW: Todd, what do you feel has changed in the market to explain why business intelligence is becoming so hot for small and mid-sized companies?
TR: Well, the last three or four or five years, you've seen small and mid-sized companies purchasing and implementing some type of business application. It could be an [enterprise resource planning] ERP system [or] a [customer relationship management] CRM [system]; it could be supply-chain, something that helps them in terms of just the transactional aspects of their business. Those business applications are producing a significant amount of data, and now the [chief executive officer] CEO, the VP of sales, or head of marketing, is left with determining, of all this information, “What is most important for me, and how do I get a pulse of my company's business on a daily or weekly basis here?”
... Why business intelligence has become important for small or mid-sized companies is [because of] three reasons: Number one, business intelligence will interact with and be integrated with applications like ERP or CRM easily, so it's a low-cost way of integrating into existing IT infrastructure for that small or mid-sized company CIO's responsibility. Secondly, business intelligence provides that insight into the company's business that other business applications don't. So ERP or CRM can tell you transactional elements or who the customers are, but it doesn't yet tell you about who are the most important customers, how do you segment those, and how do you create marketing campaigns. The third reason why business intelligence has become important to small or mid-sized companies is finally, with the advent of mid-market–specific products that companies like Business Objects have launched, you now have product that is much more accessible in terms of pricing and ease of use, so that you no longer have to be an expert in business intelligence.
So what can BI do for your company?
BI can help you compete more effectively with your bigger competitors by enabling you to make better and faster decisions. It can extend and strengthen the functionality of your existing enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. It can help put the past into useful perspective while allowing you to effectively plan for the future. It can help make sense of all the disparate data that flows through your organization, so that your senior executives have the right information at the right time to grow the business and increase the bottom line.
To find out more about BI for SMBs, download TEC's latest podcast, How Can Business Intelligence Benefit Small to Medium Businesses? Senior TEC analyst Lyndsay Wise, in conversation with Todd Rowe, vice president and general manager of leading BI vendor Business Objects, discusses the nature of BI, why it's become so hot in the SMB market, the pain points that BI addresses, and the right time to opt for a BI solution.
Click here to download How Can Business Intelligence Benefit Small to Medium Businesses? now.
This podcast examines the following questions:
What exactly is BI, and how can it benefit SMBs?
What are the major pain points that BI addresses and resolves?
What has changed in the marketplace to make BI such a hot product for SMBs?
When is the best time for an SMB to take advantage of a BI solution?
Podcast Transcript
Hi, and welcome to TEC Radio. My name is Lyndsay Wise. With me today is Todd Rowe. Todd Rowe is the vice president and general manager for the worldwide mid-market division at Business Objects. With Todd, we will be discussing what business intelligence [BI] is, and how and why it can benefit small and mid-sized companies.
Lyndsay Wise: Hi Todd, welcome to the show.
Todd Rowe: Thank you.
LW: What is business intelligence, and how can it benefit small and mid-sized companies specifically?
TR: Good question. So, what is business intelligence overall? It's taking the various disparate pieces of data that small and mid-sized companies produce, and trying to provide some type of insight or ability to determine what is the most important data to make intelligent decisions on. What business intelligence does is, it'll interact with different business applications, and by virtue of different tools like reports or dashboards or scorecards, be able to help guide an executive through all the morass of different data to the data that's most important, so that he or she can make more intelligent, more effective decisions on a daily basis that help build and run their businesses.
Small or mid-sized companies pride themselves on being much more agile, much quicker to make decisions than their big company counterparts. So, not only more effective decisions, but time to decisions is important in terms of differentiating small companies to work more quickly and [to be] more agile against their large enterprise counterparts.
What we find, according to Gartner, is that in this recent survey of one thousand [chief information officers] CIOs from mid-sized companies, that the top technology segment that they planned on purchasing in the coming year was business intelligence. That was the same from the previous year as well. So business intelligence is becoming a hot technology for small and mid-sized companies, precisely because it gives them an ability to differentiate themselves from their competition given the greater insight into the data, and making more effective decisions.
LW: Todd, what do you feel has changed in the market to explain why business intelligence is becoming so hot for small and mid-sized companies?
TR: Well, the last three or four or five years, you've seen small and mid-sized companies purchasing and implementing some type of business application. It could be an [enterprise resource planning] ERP system [or] a [customer relationship management] CRM [system]; it could be supply-chain, something that helps them in terms of just the transactional aspects of their business. Those business applications are producing a significant amount of data, and now the [chief executive officer] CEO, the VP of sales, or head of marketing, is left with determining, of all this information, “What is most important for me, and how do I get a pulse of my company's business on a daily or weekly basis here?”
... Why business intelligence has become important for small or mid-sized companies is [because of] three reasons: Number one, business intelligence will interact with and be integrated with applications like ERP or CRM easily, so it's a low-cost way of integrating into existing IT infrastructure for that small or mid-sized company CIO's responsibility. Secondly, business intelligence provides that insight into the company's business that other business applications don't. So ERP or CRM can tell you transactional elements or who the customers are, but it doesn't yet tell you about who are the most important customers, how do you segment those, and how do you create marketing campaigns. The third reason why business intelligence has become important to small or mid-sized companies is finally, with the advent of mid-market–specific products that companies like Business Objects have launched, you now have product that is much more accessible in terms of pricing and ease of use, so that you no longer have to be an expert in business intelligence.
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