Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Are you BI Lingual or Just BI Curious?

Lost in Translation

If your alignment was a celebutante, who would it be? Well, attractive or not, let’s achievement that if it comes to BI, you’re not a bemused, abashed Scarlett Johansson à la Lost in Translation http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0335266. If so, there’s a cure and it’s not acting lessons.

It’s a assignment in collaboration; ensuring that both your IT and business teams are speaking the aforementioned accent so that technology is accumbent with your amount objectives, adjoin a “smile and nod” access to authoritative change and advance via BI. And oh, what a lot of complicated accent to call all things business intelligence. Analogue abounds: dashboards, abstracts marts, abstracts integration, abstracts architecture, action analytics, action architecture, adept abstracts management, abstracts governance, banausic banausic blah.

But wading through the abracadabra and the all-important complexities can be daunting.

So, how can mid-market companies put the accessible allowances of BI to acceptable use? One way is to accomplish abiding all stakeholders are speaking the aforementioned accent if searching at a BI alternative or implementation.

BI is soooo hot appropriate now

Organizations are application BI to advice drive aggregation collaboration, and accomplish bigger decisions fas

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